Learning On The Go

I think teachers should embrace mobile learning because it could be an easier outlet for students to access different types of learning curves. Most students have access to mobile devices; i.e. tablets, phones, laptops, etc. But for those students that don’t have access to all of these devices, they should just be given worksheets. Or maybe the school could figure out a way for these students to receive devices that are up to par in order to use mobile learning.  A big issue that could come up is the fact that all students will have access to these devices.

Some good ways that could be used in a high school classroom is some sort of social media page. Like, creating a Facebook group that is safe for all students. The teacher could post a question and the students can answer the question in a safe manor. It could almost be seen as a blog post. But, easier to access. Considering most teenagers have smartphones with Facebook apps, or they have access to a computer in order to use Facebook.


Critically Thinking With a Twist

There are many different ways that someone could be information literate. But one of the best ways to define it, is if one knows the actual information that is needed. There is a whole array of underlying information when it comes to technological entities. and if someone doesn’t know this information that is “behind the scenes”, the may be pulling from a website that may be too old or even closed down. Being information literate is  something that many people should know, especially if they want to be a somebody in the online world.

In a way, we can teach children to be proficient in information literacy. As educators, we should show the students the ways in order to see the “behind  the scenes” information on a website. Easywhois is a wonderful tool in for students to use to see the background info on an online source. Doing so could help show if the website is a logical source.

I feel like students nowadays have a way better chance to truly learn how to use the most powerful medium. Technology is becoming an even bigger part in everyday life as we speak. And as the children of this generation grow up, they learn how to use new electronic tools. This will only continue more and more, so long as technology keeps growing in power. So, yes, children do have the potential to learn how to use the most powerful medium. Technology is growing faster than we are expecting. And whether people know or not, the children of the next generation are the ones that will know technology both in and out.

Incorporating technology into the classroom

This guy has it right!

Chris Brennan

I recently read an article on Twitter that I found very thought provoking about technology in the classroom. The basis of the article was that a math teacher felt she spent so much time incorporating technology into the classroom, but felt like the students were not benefiting from this. She felt that although technology in the classroom is great, it was taking away from the learning experience of the student.

I gave up technology in the classroom - and am SO GLAD! MathFour.com

After reading in article, I really did think about what this teacher was trying to say. She was stating that the bottom line is, are the students learning? Often traditional methods of teaching help the student learn, but often can be boring as some students would say. Sitting at the front of the room and reading from a textbook or writing all the notes on the whiteboard is pretty old-fashioned now-a-days. I think students want to use the technology they…

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Blogs and Websites

I believe the difference between blogs and websites is held down t only one thing. Blogs are adjustable, whereas websites really are not. You can always go back and change blog in accordance to your own personal preference. With websites, there is the ability to change and adjust, but it is meant to stay somewhat set with all the information. Blogs are meant to be formal, but don’t always necessarily need to be. Whereas websites more or less are truly meant to be formal.